It is believed that alkaline water flushes out toxins, enhances metabolism and destroys cancer cells. There is a research that has been done in Japan, and it is still discussed if alkaline water works for other nationalities. Japanese people have the longest life span than any other nation.
You will learn here how to make your own alkaline water and you only will need 3 ingredients. Alkaline water destroys cancer, and it also supports a healthy body system.
PH values stands for the acidity and alkalinity of everything that surrounds you. For example, rain water contains a pH value of 7, and this one is neutral. Every value below 7 is considered acidic, and values over 7 marks an alkaline environment.
What makes alkaline water good for you?
Having a glass of alkaline water is very important, and that is a great thing to do to your body. Human body is consisted of 80% water, and pH values harm your health same as any ailment.
Modern diet and fancy foods that we consume makes our body acidic. Acidic bodies are easy to notice. Some of the indications are: poor immunity, headaches, fatigue and severe abdominal pain.
The overly alkaline environment is not good as well. If you have a too acidic or too alkaline body, it will make your healthy cells toxic, and eventually will they die off.
Cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline body
You will hydrate your tissues and your body will function better if you drink alkaline water. Once alkaline water gets inside your body, it hydrates its tissues and enhances your general health.
How to make your own alkaline water?
Necessary ingredients:
- 1 tsp Himalayan salt
- 2l purified water
- 1 organic lemon, sliced
Take a larger jar and fill it with water. You have to use clean and filtered water. Throw in your lemon slices, and make sure you do not lose any of the juice. Stir in a teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt. Seal the jar and leave it to stay overnight. You can leave it on a room temperature. Consume three glasses from this water in the morning. Remember, you should consume it on an empty stomach.
Alkaline water will restore the pH balance in your body.
A brand new product on the market called the AlkaPitcher will give your alkaline water instantly. It is a cost-effective way to filter and alkalize your water.
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